
茶余饭后 Wind from east fish bite least. Wind from west fish bite best

Re: 大选来了,咱渔夫们也不能远离政治

楼层:#76  帖子sharc » 25 9月 2015 22:58

白雪丹枫 写道:
sharc 写道:
阿恩 写道:
leon 写道:说自由党懂经济,保守党不懂经济的人,比较看看最近几年联邦财政和安省财政就知道了。



那如果借的钱永远都还不完呢?你还会借钱读书吗? :laugh3

说来说去,还是没听见说到自由党干了什么拿得出手的实事啊!假设,如果的东西,算不了数的。 :roflmao

Captain (上尉)
帖子: 43
注册: 13 8月 2015 11:46
Member Number (论坛会员注册序列号): #1249

Re: 大选来了,咱渔夫们也不能远离政治

楼层:#77  帖子白雪丹枫 » 25 9月 2015 23:06

sharc 写道:
白雪丹枫 写道:
sharc 写道:
阿恩 写道:
leon 写道:说自由党懂经济,保守党不懂经济的人,比较看看最近几年联邦财政和安省财政就知道了。



那如果借的钱永远都还不完呢?你还会借钱读书吗? :laugh3

说来说去,还是没听见说到自由党干了什么拿得出手的实事啊!假设,如果的东西,算不了数的。 :roflmao



Grand General (大将)
Grand General (大将)
帖子: 14857
注册: 30 9月 2013 17:14
Member Number (论坛会员注册序列号): #74
地址: Guelph, Ontario
称呼: 白将军

Re: 大选来了,咱渔夫们也不能远离政治

楼层:#78  帖子sharc » 25 9月 2015 23:14

白雪丹枫 写道:
sharc 写道:
白雪丹枫 写道:
sharc 写道:
阿恩 写道:
leon 写道:说自由党懂经济,保守党不懂经济的人,比较看看最近几年联邦财政和安省财政就知道了。



那如果借的钱永远都还不完呢?你还会借钱读书吗? :laugh3

说来说去,还是没听见说到自由党干了什么拿得出手的实事啊!假设,如果的东西,算不了数的。 :roflmao





Captain (上尉)
帖子: 43
注册: 13 8月 2015 11:46
Member Number (论坛会员注册序列号): #1249

Re: 大选来了,咱渔夫们也不能远离政治

楼层:#79  帖子阿恩 » 25 9月 2015 23:49

sharc 写道:
阿恩 写道:
leon 写道:说自由党懂经济,保守党不懂经济的人,比较看看最近几年联邦财政和安省财政就知道了。



General (上将)
General (上将)
帖子: 6687
注册: 18 11月 2013 11:46
Member Number (论坛会员注册序列号): #193
地址: Steeles & Don Mills, North York

Re: 大选来了,咱渔夫们也不能远离政治

楼层:#80  帖子Longman » 26 9月 2015 00:56

sharc 写道:
Longman 写道:
sharc 写道:
白雪丹枫 写道:
sharc 写道:
Longman 写道:


安省可一直是自由党当政啊!除了加税,和破天荒地让安省开始吃联邦救济,麻烦举一点拿得出手的东西好吗? :roflmao


曾经有人跟我说,北电黑莓都死在保守党手上。我的回应是,2001年互联网泡沫破灭,北电开始走下坡,2003年北电做假帐,从此万劫不复,这时期是谁当政呢?要保守党为北电的破产背锅,这逻辑何在? 至于黑莓,它倒霉在碰上了乔帮主这样一个天才对手,想不输太难,又跟不上消费者的需求,假设自由党当政,你以为黑莓就能够起死回生吗?别忘了加拿大是市场经济,政府对企业的影响是非常有限的。再说石油业,要是放着得天独厚的自然资源不去利用,却要和美帝硬拼高科技制造业,那不是以己之短击人之长吗?与美帝这样一个各方面,特别高级人才,都比加国强太多的巨无霸为邻,经济上与它互补才是明智之举。你光看现在油价低经济差,怎么不回味一下09年到13年加拿大经济在G7中的排行呢?你说保守党执政9年太长,自由党在安省可是执政12年,而且和联邦保守党不同,安省自由党绝大多数时间都是多数政府,安省的经济搞得好不好,你觉得哪个党责任大一些呢?你是认同经济有它自身起伏的周期呢,还是认为像机场快线这样浪费你我税金的基建投资真能够刺激经济呢?





 a $125-million-per-year increase in funding for Canada’s three federal
granting councils beginning in 2003–04;
 a new Canada Graduate Scholarships program supporting 4,000 new
scholarships at program maturity;
 $225 million per year to help fund the indirect costs associated with
federally sponsored research through the granting councils beginning
in 2003–04;
 $16 million over the next two years for northern science;
 investments of $500 million in the Canada Foundation for Innovation for
state-of-the-art health research facilities and $75 million in Genome Canada
for health genomics;
 $15 million to the Rick Hansen Man In Motion Foundation and
$20 million to the Medical and Related Sciences project;
 $30 million for SchoolNet and the Community Access Program;
 an additional $70 million over two years for the National Research
Council of Canada to strengthen the Industrial Research Assistance Program,
support astronomy and establish new regional innovation centres; and
 an additional $190 million in equity to expand venture capital by the
Business Development Bank of Canada and $20 million for Aboriginal
Business Canada in support of entrepreneurship and business development.


 Annual increase of $90 million to Canada’s three federal
granting councils.
 Increase of $20 million annually to help offset the indirect costs of
research by universities and research hospitals.
 An additional $60 million to Genome Canada to strengthen its research.
 Additional funding to improve the capacity for commercialization at
universities, hospitals and other research facilities.
 New funding of $270 million set aside to enhance access to venture
capital financing for companies turning promising research into new products
and services.


 $375 million over five years for the three federal research
granting councils.
 $165 million to Genome Canada to sustain its support for
breakthrough genomics research.
 $126 million over five years to support groundbreaking research
in particle physics at the University of British Columbia’s
TRIUMF science facility.
 $75 million over five years to help meet the indirect costs of
federally supported reseach at hospitals and universities.


 $37 million in new annual support for research partnerships with
industry through the granting councils, including $12 million to
enhance the College and Community Innovation Program.
 $165 million in multi-year support for genomics research through
Genome Canada, including new large-scale research competitions
and participation by Canadian researchers in national and international
partnership initiatives.
 $225 million to be used by the Canada Foundation for Innovation to
support advanced research infrastructure priorities and sustain the
long-term operations of the Foundation.
 $121 million over two years to invest in the strategic focus of the
National Research Council to help the growth of innovative businesses
in Canada.
 $20 million over three years to help small and medium-sized
enterprises access research and business development services at
universities, colleges and other non-profit research institutions of
their choice.
 $325 million over eight years to Sustainable Development Technology
Canada to continue support for the development and demonstration of
new, clean technologies.
 $20 million over two years to the Canada Revenue Agency to improve
the predictability and enhance enforcement of the Scientific Research
and Experimental Development tax incentive program.


 Creating the new Canada First Research Excellence Fund with
$1.5 billion in funding over the next decade to help Canadian
post-secondary institutions excel globally in research areas that
create long-term economic advantages for Canada.
 Providing new funding of $46 million per year for the granting councils
to support advanced research and scientific discoveries, including the
indirect costs of research.
 Providing an additional $500 million over two years to the Automotive
Innovation Fund, to support significant new strategic research and
development projects and long-term investments in the Canadian
automotive sector.


 Maintaining a low tax burden on businesses to encourage investment
in Canada.
 Providing manufacturers a 10-year tax incentive to boost productivityenhancing
 Providing up to $100 million over five years, starting in 2015–16, to support
product development and technology demonstration by Canadian
automotive parts suppliers through the new Automotive Supplier
Innovation Program.
 Developing a national aerospace supplier development initiative.
 Providing $2.5 million per year, starting in 2016–17, to increase the
analytical capacity needed to support the Defence Procurement Strategy.
Supporting World-Class Advanced Research
 Providing an additional $1.33 billion over six years, starting in 2017–18,
to the Canada Foundation for Innovation to support advanced research
infrastructure at universities, colleges and research hospitals.
 Creating a more efficient and effective national digital research infrastructure
system by providing $105 million over five years, starting in 2015–16, to
CANARIE, Canada’s world-class high-speed research and education network.
 Dedicating an additional $46 million per year to the granting councils,
starting in 2016–17, focused in areas that will fuel economic growth and
respond to important challenges and opportunities.
 Providing up to $243.5 million to secure Canada’s participation in the Thirty
Meter Telescope and related domestic work on leading-edge components.
 Providing up to $72.3 million in 2015–16, on a cash basis, to Atomic Energy
of Canada Limited to maintain safe and reliable operations at the Chalk
River Laboratories.
 Providing an additional $30 million over four years, starting in 2016–17,
to support cutting-edge research and technology development in Canada’s
satellite communications sector.
 Extending Canada’s participation in the International Space Station mission
to 2024.
 Dedicating $119.2 million over two years, starting in 2015–16, to the National
Research Council’s industry-partnered research and development activities,
helping Canadian businesses increase their competitiveness and develop
new, cutting-edge products.
 Helping to develop the next generation of research and development leaders
by providing $56.4 million over four years, starting in 2016–17, to Mitacs in
support of graduate-level industrial research and development internships.
Senior Captain (大尉)
帖子: 58
注册: 27 11月 2014 14:30
Member Number (论坛会员注册序列号): #889


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