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下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 10:18
今年夏天(大概是7月份?)同胖狗司令还有"湿鼻"钓鱼大师, 在 SIMCOE 的 COOK'S BAY 的东面的 BEEG PARK 下 KAYAK 钓大口 BASS 后回家的路上, 在 WOODBINE AVENUE 上 俺被一 YORK REGION POLICE 的警察大妈给拦下, 说我在限速为 80KM/H 但因为修路临时改为限速 60KM/H 的路上, 我超速了 32KM/H, 一番说教后, 警察大妈还算客气了, 只给了我一张超速 15KM/H 的 TICKET.

我想了想后, 决定要 FLIGHT 要争一下. 于是 PLEA NOT GUILTY (认为无罪), 要上庭, 并且要求提供中文翻译(本指望搞的麻烦点儿, 比如需中文翻译可是找不到翻译的话, "案情"就"结帐"了呢...哈哈.), 而且最好要中文某地方话的翻译官(比如广东话, 上海话, 潮洲话, 四川方言,天津口音, "贺难"话等, 甚至某中国少数民族语言比如藏语或吐鲁番语或云南傣族语什么的, 但没有!...哈哈)

哪知昨天收到通缉: 下月(11月)中旬去 NEWMARKET 的 COURT 那里同 PROSECUTOR (检察官) 讨论此控告, 并提供中文普通话翻译官. 我倒! 我怎么说? 用什么策略? 我说没看到路边临时设立的 "60KM/H" 的牌子? 但可能被告知: "不知道不等于无罪"?

实在不行就等开庭吧. 也许到时候正赶上警察大妈的大姨妈来访什么的, 忙的没时间出庭呢, 于是就...哈哈.

对了, 因为见此 PROSECUTOR 将是周内某天下午 1 点, 在 NEWMARKET 那里, 离 COOK'S BAY 东面比较近, 看来到时候我必须从公司利用一天例行休假(简称"例假"), 然后一大早就出门, 顺便到 COOK'S BAY 东面找个岸钓点钓钓鱼, 钓到中午然后去出庭. 有谁知道那里一带哪有好的岸钓点?......得! 又绕回到钓鱼上了...哈哈.

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 10:28

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 10:47

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 10:51
wetnose 写道:不是七月,至少是八月下旬了。

嗯, 我刚查了一下. 是8月13号.

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 11:43
基本都半价不扣点,没办法。我前段时间在yonge st 被逮一次后来才知道 限速是50我一直以为60了 开了82,也没给我减轻。打告票最后肯定是半价不扣分。

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 11:56
jackhul 写道:基本都半价不扣点,没办法。我前段时间在yonge st 被逮一次后来才知道 限速是50我一直以为60了 开了82,也没给我减轻。打告票最后肯定是半价不扣分。


Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 11:58
Just my experience ..... and what I was prepared for my case a few years ago
0, go to the court with your friend, have your friend look for the interpreter and the police man.
1a, if one of them is not there during the court time. then you want to show up in time. Most likely, case will be closed (police man does not show ) or court will reschedule (interpreter does not show).
1b, if they are both there unfortunately , request the disclosure , so the court will ask you to reschedule. note: Officially the disclosure should be requested before court start ...be careful they may give you hard time at this point.
2, do your home work, study the disclosure once you receive it, try to find if anything is unusual , such as the policewoman did not test the laser gun properly .
3, present in the court again,if the police woman or interpreter does not show up .. case close
4, if she is there unfortunately, ask for disclosure of the disclosure , coz the first hand writing disclosure is not readable :) so court may reschedule again .
5, if you are really lucky.....after 12 months , you can use 11b ask court to drop the case coz it is taking too long .

one thing keep in mind .it really depends on the court and the judge.so .be nice and polite and you have every right to ask all details that protect yourself.

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 12:08
badbird 写道:Just my experience ..... and what I was prepared for my case a few years ago
0, go to the court with your friend, have your friend look for the interpreter and the police man.
1a, if one of them is not there during the court time. then you want to show up in time. Most likely, case will be closed (police man does not show ) or court will reschedule (interpreter does not show).
1b, if they are both there unfortunately , request the disclosure , so the court will ask you to reschedule. note: Officially the disclosure should be requested before court start ...be careful they may give you hard time at this point.
2, do your home work, study the disclosure once you receive it, try to find if anything is unusual , such as the policewoman did not test the laser gun properly .
3, present in the court again,if the police woman or interpreter does not show up .. case close
4, if she is there unfortunately, ask for disclosure of the disclosure , coz the first hand writing disclosure is not readable :) so court may reschedule again .
5, if you are really lucky.....after 12 months , you can use 11b ask court to drop the case coz it is taking too long .

one thing keep in mind .it really depends on the court and the judge.so .be nice and polite and you have every right to ask all details that protect yourself.

HAHA. Thanks for your detailed strategy. I mean if I were the policewoman, the judge, the prosecutor or the interpreter, I would have been completely wore out by the time the case reached Step 5 above..haha

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 12:13

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 12:25
这么快? 是不是下年的8月呀????

就算不扣点还是会涨保险的,要找高手知道, 拖到警察不来

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 08 10月 2013 13:20
badbird 写道:Just my experience ..... and what I was prepared for my case a few years ago
0, go to the court with your friend, have your friend look for the interpreter and the police man.
1a, if one of them is not there during the court time. then you want to show up in time. Most likely, case will be closed (police man does not show ) or court will reschedule (interpreter does not show).
1b, if they are both there unfortunately , request the disclosure , so the court will ask you to reschedule. note: Officially the disclosure should be requested before court start ...be careful they may give you hard time at this point.
2, do your home work, study the disclosure once you receive it, try to find if anything is unusual , such as the policewoman did not test the laser gun properly .
3, present in the court again,if the police woman or interpreter does not show up .. case close
4, if she is there unfortunately, ask for disclosure of the disclosure , coz the first hand writing disclosure is not readable :) so court may reschedule again .
5, if you are really lucky.....after 12 months , you can use 11b ask court to drop the case coz it is taking too long .

one thing keep in mind .it really depends on the court and the judge.so .be nice and polite and you have every right to ask all details that protect yourself.


Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 09 10月 2013 01:04

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 09 10月 2013 01:07
主要现在警察都上庭了,躲得了初一躲不过十五。要不一定死磕到底 :mrgreen:

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 09 10月 2013 11:10

Re: 下个月要见检察官, 请教各位一下 (和钓鱼有点儿关系喔:-)

帖子发表于 : 09 10月 2013 11:21
YorkBBS 有相关信息, 似乎很专业.